SOURCES: Jamie Foxx was forced against his will to get covid jabbed for movie, then developed debilitating blood clot in his brain
06/01/2023 // Ethan Huff // Views

Celebrity journalist A.J. Benza appeared on a recent episode of "Ask Dr. Drew," during which he claimed that actor and comedian Jamie Foxx became seriously injured after getting "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) – and his family is allegedly covering it all up.

Foxx allegedly became blind and partially paralyzed after taking a COVID injection that was forced on him by a film studio in order to work. Ever since then, it has been a coverup city as far as Foxx's health is concerned.

"I lost a couple friends in the last couple of years who got the injection," Benza told Dr. Drew during the segment. "One of my best friends died last Saturday – paratrooper, ex-special forces, 51-years-old, in the best shape of his life – just goes to sleep and doesn't wake up, black guy."

"I think that this ties into the Jamie Foxx theory. I worked my butt off to get a story about what happened to Jamie Foxx because it was all baloney what they were reporting – he's playing Pickleball, he's responding in Instagram – no he's not, it's all lies."

According to Benza, someone who was in the room at the time personally let him know that Foxx developed a blood clot immediately after he got the shot, which he did not even want in the first place.

"The movie he was on, he was pressured to get it – this movie he's doing with Cameron Diaz. And I'm thinking: is that why he blew up on the set a week before this medical emergency happened? Is that why he fired three or four people because he had just had it with these mambies? I don't know. But what I found out from the man in the room is that the blood clot in the brain caused him, at that point, to be partially paralyzed and blind."

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Just because Jamie Foxx was supposedly "communicating" with others post-injection does not mean he was actually able to talk

The implication from the authorities concerning Foxx's health status is that he is doing just fine because he was supposedly able to "communicate" with others. But according to Benza, this is a sleight of words, so to speak, because even if Foxx can "communicate" in some way, shape, or form does not necessarily mean that he is able to speak normally.

"That could be anything, writing, signing – I know those little code words," Benza says. "Then when you tell me your father's playing pickleball, give me a break. There's a great shroud of secrecy around Jamie Foxx, he's probably the most multi-talented person we have in Hollywood, but even TMZ is not reporting on it."

"I know TMZ has got sources in hospitals who give them information, whether it's legal or not."

The only one who got even close to discovering the full truth about Foxx's health status is Mike Tyson, who confirmed with Benza that Foxx did, indeed, suffer a brain clot to the brain after getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu.

"No one's gone that far to say that yet," Benza added. "I think Mike did and he probably got a phone call that same day."

Dr. Drew then clarified that what Foxx more than likely suffered, based on Benza's description, was a stroke rather than a blood clot – but this is neither here nor there in terms of the matter at hand, which is that Jamie Foxx suffered some kind of very severe adverse effect from the jab that has left him seriously debilitated.

The latest news about the mounting injury and death toll from Fauci Flu shots can be found at

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