Top 10 PROPER ACTIONS Trump should take first when inaugurated January 20th, 2025
09/02/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

Obviously, our nation is scrambling to save anything left that resembles financial security, safety, health and a democratic system capable of voting out corruption and treasonous actors. Still, there is some damage that can be undone, or at least prevented from happening in the future, and that’s where the power of the Presidency of the United States comes in.

The American people need representatives in government that care about the country, the citizens and the Constitution. Currently, we do not have fair and secure elections, as proven in court cases in several states, from videos from inside polling stations after hours, and from videos of people shoving massive amounts of ballots into drop boxes for the last POTUS election.

Many politicians are arms dealers who run billion-dollar businesses that profit from war (think Haliburton here) and keep offshore accounts loaded from profits off the military industrial complex. This is well-documented through many wars over many decades. Politicians should not be able to profit from war because that’s just incentive to start them or participate (by proxy) in them. These crooks should be audited regularly by an independent, reliable accounting agency.

Like no other time in history, vaccines are outright killing people within days, weeks, months. The mRNA jabs don’t even qualify under the definition of “vaccination,” because they involve tricking human cells into producing billions (possibly trillions with boosters) of toxic prions that travel throughout the vascular system, clogging and clotting, causing horrific health detriment to the victims of vaccine violence. These must be banned until proven safe and effective, if they can ever even do that (highly unlikely).

Why federally subsidize foods that are scientifically known to cause obesity, diabetes and cancer, like genetically modified corn sugar and high fructose corn syrup? The U.S. government should subsidize foods that are high in nutritional value, so those products, produce, eggs and meats are more affordable and attractive to those who need to exchange their current junk-science consumption regimen for a healthy lifestyle.

Anyone who was peacefully protesting on January 6th at the Capital building in DC should be free from prison and should have never been sent there in the first place. Videos show DC police literally opening the Capital doors, holding them open for hundreds of people to walk by, and then escorting protesters through the Capital. Any ethical judge would have NEVER convicted these folks. Plus, they deserve to be compensated for all these years they’ve unjustly served in the DC gulags, not just released on the street like stray dogs.

Here are 10 first actions Trump should take upon regaining the Presidency

#1. Put mandatory serial numbers and anti-counterfeiting watermarks on all voting ballots, at all levels, just like cash money has now

#2. Audit politicians involved in the Military Industrial Complex over past 4 years

#3. Put RFK Jr. in charge of investigating vaccine safety and so-called “efficacy” and address mRNA first

#4. Federally subsidize organic farms to make healthy food more affordable for everyone

#5. Free all the January 6’ers and give them back pay for their jobs they had

#6. Pardon all the whistleblowers the Biden Regime has prosecuted

#7. Put the screws to Fauci and his CCP cohorts responsible for mass murder

#8. Start a television news station that’s truth news 24/7/265, which Elon Musk could easily fund and help run, since he's worth a quarter trillion dollars

#9. Offer free counseling for children, teens and young adults with regrets from gender “transition” surgeries

#10. Offer small business start-up incentives (grants, loans and subsidies) for people who lost their businesses due to the Covid scamdemic, supply chain decimation and Bidenflation

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