TABOO DEBATE TOPIC: Neither candidate nor the debate moderators spoke about the health horrors that came from the Covid vaccines, masks, and lockdowns
09/12/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

Did anyone notice there was one massive topic that neither Presidential candidate, nor the moderators, addressed during the debate? Trump touched briefly on his own knee-jerk “preparation” for handling the beginning of the pandemic outbreak but failed to dig into the most important topic of the century – Covid-19 vaccine-induced injuries, disabilities and death.

Neither candidate for President discussed how the pandemic response went so horribly wrong, including all the horrific injuries and deaths caused by the mRNA clot shots. Nobody addressed that masks don’t work but rather cause diseases, according to in-depth scientific and evidence-based research. No one talked about the deadly Covid jabs causing miscarriages and spontaneous abortions.

Neither candidate spoke on the subject, nor did the moderators ask about the failed tactics of lockdowns, social distancing, travel restrictions, vaccine passports or the limiting of free speech online regarding all the knee-jerk “medical” advice that was NOT fact-based, coming from Fraudulent Fauci and the CDC.

Will we continue all of this during the next scamdemic, that’s surely coming this way, with all the U.S.-funded gain-of-function lab work being conducted to make bird flu, monkeypox and other viruses jump from animals to humans, and then spread pandemic-style across the globe?

The health horrors the world has endured from Covid vaccines, masks, prescription medications, ventilators, lockdowns and social distancing all a taboo debate topic

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, Chief Scientific Officer of the Wellness Company, says that the Covid vaccines and all the health horrors that come after getting them is a “taboo topic” for both administrations.

New omicron (weak) subvariants are spreading and expected to infect millions of people this fall, so the pharmacies, doctors and hospitals of the Vaccine Industrial Complex of America are pushing hard for everyone (including children, pregnant women and infants) to get jabbed up with more mRNA gene therapy injections that cause heart malfunctions, turbo cancer, strange white rubbery clots in the vascular system and of course,  “unexplainable” sudden death.

Meanwhile, 97 percent of Americans already caught Covid at least once, if not 2, 3, or even 4 times, and that includes fully vaccinated and fully unvaccinated people, so for anyone to even consider another vaccine is preposterous, yet neither Presidential candidate nor the moderators brought any of this up during the nearly 2-hour debate. Why?

Dr. McCullough explains how the more Covid shots one gets, the MORE likely they are to catch Covid, which is the complete opposite of everything the disease “experts” on television tell everyone. Still, the taboo topic wasn’t even mentioned at all during the whole debate. Nada. Nothing said. Dr. McCullough also said that toxic, virus-mimicking spike proteins from vaccines circulate in the body for up to six months, getting stuck in vital organs and tissues, so it’s no wonder why the injected sheeple feel horrible most of the time.

What’s odd is that Donald J. Trump has spoken in the past, and recently, about addressing the pitfalls of vaccination, including mRNA gene therapy injections, and proposed that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serve as a Vaccine Czar who would address all these medical inadequacies and health horror stories, where adults and children alike are maimed for life or murdered by vaccine violence. Why not bring it up at the debate?

Of course, we know why the Left doesn’t bring it up; because it’s part of the depopulation plan and the chronic sick care nation we all have to deal with, no matter who is running the country. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome that nobody in the media, politics, or even Presidential candidates will talk about, at all.

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