TOTAL RECALL: Canadian government DESTROYING all Covid mRNA jabs to eliminate evidence of genocidal crimes against humanity
09/13/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

The authoritarian Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and his insidious health ministry cohorts at Health Canada are in the process of destroying every Covid jab they have in inventory right now. They claim it is happening because the shots are now worthless, since those strains of Covid are no longer circulating, and because they are preparing new clot shots for the next incoming wave of (insert Greek letter and number here) variants. But is that the truth? Most likely not. As Canada recalls, collects and destroys all their nanoparticle injections, including all those marketed by Pfizer and Moderna, many health analysts and reporters are calling it the greatest cover up and destruction of criminal evidence ever.

When the masses of Canadians and other victims of vaccine violence around the world get wind of the cause of their injuries and forever symptoms (long-vax syndrome), and the deaths of the injected sheeple, there will be no evidence (besides autopsies) left to use in the new-age Nuremberg trials of the mass murderers who knew exactly what they were doing when they pushed these toxic jabs on the populace.

Tens of millions of deadly Covid “vaccines” being recalled by the government for destruction now that the truth is coming out about self-assembling nanoparticles

Leading government officials and politicians around the globe may be preparing for defending against their own prosecution for promoting and propagating the most violent and insidious weapon of mass destruction ever known – Covid “vaccinations.” In what appears to be a huge cover up and destruction of criminal evidence, health officials and politicians are collaborating to destroy every last Covid jab that still exists from the plandemic, so if and when they get caught for using them to kill millions of people, they won’t go to prison for life or get hung for it.

For decades, vaccines (oral and injectable) have been found to be contaminated with all kinds of chemicals, live virus strains (think circovirus here), GMOs, infectious bacteria, human abortion cells, heavy metal toxins and much more. Now, scientists are discovering that mRNA jabs have the ability to cause rubbery vascular clots in the blood, invade vital organs and cause immense strain on the heart muscle. The problem is that Covid-19 “vaccines are synthetic gene therapy injections, and the technology does NOT meet the definition of traditional vaccines. They were never tested for long-term safety and failed the animal trials because vaccinated animals still died after they contracted the virus in the wild.

Every day, thousands and thousands of humans are being injured and killed by these deadly gene-altering nanoparticle injections, and when the true death toll becomes obvious and published, the manufacturers and promoters of the jabs could be looking at serious prosecution for crimes against humanity, including genocide. Destroying evidence of these bioweapons is a violation of the criminal code in Canada, as it is in many other countries.

As of last month, all provinces and territories in Canada were instructed to remove and destroy all current Covid-19 vaccine formulations (XBB) from all sites across their jurisdictions, according to a spokesperson at Alberta Health, as announced by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Someone, somewhere, needs to hang on to some of these death jabs for future reference as evidence of crimes against humanity for prosecuting these mass murderers.

Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome as governments around the world are quickly destroying the evidence that proves it.

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