Maryland abortion clinic tells caller she can murder unborn child at 34 weeks (8.5 months): “A needle is inserted through the (baby’s) abdomen and into the fetal heart”
09/13/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

A young lady from Students for Life of America this week called a late-term abortion clinic in Maryland called the CARE Clinic to see whether or not the abortion claims of Kamala Harris at her debate with Donald Trump are true. It turns out that Kamala lied: Unborn babies in Maryland, at least, are being murdered right up to the point of birth.

Watch the video below to see for yourself as the abortion clinic confirms the made-up story of the caller about how she is on the verge of giving birth but wants to terminate her baby's life because she is "in a pretty desperate situation."

"My boyfriend is kind of out of the picture now so I don't really have any support," the caller tells the abortion clinician.

"An abortion at any stage is actually much safer than delivering a term pregnancy," the clinician quickly and deceptively responds, affirming to the caller, who says she is 34 weeks, or 8.5 months, along in her pregnancy, that Maryland's CARE Clinics, in this case the location in Bethesda, performs late-term abortions right up to the point of birth.

"It's a four-to-five-day procedure," the clinician continued. "We do some basic lab work on you and start to dilate your cervix. After that, we do what we call the fetal injection. A needle is inserted through the abdomen and into the fetal heart where lidocaine is injected. That will completely numb the fetus so there's no pain."

(Related: Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood was caught performing secret abortions on young teens "so the parents won't find out.")

The gruesome process of late-term baby murder

The gruesome conversation continues from there with the clinician revealing that the next step in the murder process is to "inject a medication called digoxin and another medication called KCL into the fetal heart which will slow and then stop the fetal heartbeat."

"And then on the fourth day, depending on how your cervix is dilated, we'll break your water, and then we'll give you a medication called misoprostol. Misoprostol will sort of induce contractions and increase the dilation of your cervix where you're going to have contractions and cramping, and then we'll assist you in sort of pushing in the induction and then remove all of the products of conception."

Notice how instead of calling the baby a baby, even after admitting that the baby can feel the pain of the abortion without drugs, the clinician at the CARE Clinic calls the dead baby "the products of conception," referring to all of the different body parts that are removed and discarded.

Because of the extreme pain involved for the woman, the clinician then revealed to the caller that she would be given fentanyl, the most potent and dangerous form of synthetic opioids, during the procedure.

"We specialize in late trimester care," the clinician continued, explaining that this is anything other than a rare procedure. "Our doctor is very well-versed in what he's doing, and he's very good," she said, continuing that the facility does late-term abortions like this "all the time."

Reactions to the call on social media were mixed, but most people seemed to agree that this is a horrific process that should not be allowed.

"Let's be honest," one wrote. "This is legal murder."

The latest news about the politics of abortion can be found at

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