RFK Jr. says DOJ under Trump will launch RICO investigations into collusion between medical boards, medical journals and Big Pharma
09/23/2024 // Ethan Huff // Views

At a recent Turning Point PAC "Healthy Again" event, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was asked by a member of the audience whether or not he agrees with the concept of utilizing the Presidential Reorganization Authority to create new parallel federal public health agencies to do what existing ones are refusing or failing to do. Kennedy responded by revealing that he has much bigger plans under Donald Trump to fix the existing agencies so they work for We the People rather than big industry.

The young lady who asked the question told Kennedy that under the Presidential Reorganization Authority, the president has the power to divide, consolidate, abolish, or create agencies of the U.S. federal government by presidential directive that will operate parallel to the existing ones. Under these new systems, true patient care can be delivered that will render the existing systems obsolete, she explained. Here is how Kennedy responded:

"My initial inclination would not be to start a new agency. My initial inclination would be to use the Justice Department and the moral authority of the office. But also, you know, the Justice Department should immediately call in the beginning investigation of the medical boards and the collusion between the pharmaceutical industry and the medical boards that are de-licensing these physicians who actually try to heal patients and try to treat them."

(Related: According to RFK Jr., the American Academy of Pediatrics is "a criminal organization.")

Trump, RFK Jr. planning to "change the way business is done at NIH"

Kennedy went on in his response to reveal that, if elected to office under Trump, he plans to have the Justice Department also call in the medical journals that are corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry and explain to them that they're all going to be subject to criminal and civil RICO actions if they don't prove to the world that they are going to stop pulling and refusing to publish studies that challenge the pharmaceutical industry's rampant corruption.

"The mercantile interests of pharmaceutical companies, we're going to change the way business is done at NIH," Kennedy explained.

This is clearly a much different plan for America than the one Kamala Harris has, assuming anyone can even figure out what Kamala stands for. She refuses to hold any press interviews and every appearance she makes is stilted and scripted because she is merely a puppet being told what to say and how to say it.

"They also need to go after the people that prevented the pharmacists from prescribing ivermectin," someone added on X about an area that Trump and Kennedy might want to focus on in their quest to root out federal corruption.

"RICO investigations into their criminal conspiracy are long overdue," wrote another. "Big Pharma, medical boards, and their cronies have been operating like a cartel. The entire system sold out Americans for profit."

"Governors in multiple states took unprecedented actions to prevent doctors and pharmacists from prescribing or dispensing medications that were proven by many doctors around the World to be highly effective against Covid-19."

"RFK Jr. and Trump are threatening a lot of powerful people," said another. "Pray for them."

Sounds like there are big plans under Trump in 2025 and beyond. Find out more at Trump.news.

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