The U.S. military, creator of the COVID VACCINE, already knew since 2016 that IVERMECTIN was the BEST product to use in the event of a pandemic
09/25/2024 // S.D. Wells // Views

According to Dr. Christopher Shoemaker, an emergency and general hospital medicine doctor across Canada, when the original SARS-CoV-1 occurred, many experiments were conducted by top-level scientists and immunologists to see what could be a “useful response” if something similar was to spread. This research was done over 15+ years, completed by 2016. DARPA, the American research arm of the U.S. military, “specifically knew” and “specifically recommended” information to the CDC that “Ivermectin, in particular, was the absolute number one product to be used in the event of a Coronavirus pandemic.”

Dr. Shoemaker, a courageous whistleblower of the whole scamdemic, emphatically added that hydroxychloroquine was also a known go-to cure for Covid. Both of these antidotes were “highly antiviral and immune modulatory, and those two things were the key.” He said both elements were “totally proven” and “of course, we knew it was completely safe for humans, because these medications have been used for 35 to 40 years in humans, so that’s what was sitting there, ready to be used at the next pandemic.”

Well-respected Canadian Dr. Shoemaker describes the disastrous and unprecedented prohibitions on prescribing known proper medications to Covid patients

Dr. Shoemaker, a very knowledgeable physician, describes a stunning amount of data revealing that the vaccine actually helps children and society to contract Covid, and he also says we should all avoid the dirty, deadly mRNA vaccines. He said the vaccines RAISE death rates to significantly high numbers in children, youth and young adults.

This is exactly why the CDC and FDA strictly prohibited medical doctors from prescribing Ivermectin to patients before and during their Covid attacks, so that the virus numbers and death tolls would skyrocket, enabling Big Government to take away American’s medical freedom of choice, constitutional rights to free speech and free press, and help Big Pharma bankroll off the Fauci Flu trillion-dollar cash cow.

This testimony by Dr. Shoemaker is another smoking gun about how the whole pandemic really was a PLANDEMIC, including the lab-made gain-of-function virus, the deadliest vaccines to follow, and the absolute censorship and disinformation campaign about the best cures for Covid.

Mainstream media was the “right arm” of Big Pharma, pushing all the lies and disinformation on the masses, around the globe, but especially in America. It’s unbelievable that nobody is in prison for it. Not one single politician, scientist, disease “expert,” reporter, news pundit, talk show host, Biden, Harris, nobody. Where is justice? People should be on trial for mass murder, conspiracy to commit murder, possession and distribution of (mRNA and Covid) biological weapons of mass destruction. It’s vaccine violence.

Ivermectin was identified by DARPA Biological Technologies as a curative, in April 2020, for Covid, and was declared through scientific evaluation to work throughout all phases of Covid illness because it both “inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response.”

To add insult to injury, take a look at the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Report System) graph for the first 14 days after the masses got vaccinated for Covid, and check out the mass-murdering first TWO DAYS after the injections were administered. These folks were listed by the corrupt Vaccine Industrial Complex as “unvaccinated” so that the massive death toll wouldn’t be documented properly for all to see.


Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome that’s about to be made worse with the next plandemic and the dirty vaccines that come with it as a “package plan.” #IvermectinCuresCovid

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